Day 82- Commodore Yacht Club-Nashville, TN

This morning we only planned on going about twenty miles outside of Nashville. Technically we were in East Nashville, which was located right downtown. We were still going to be in Nashville, but pretty far out. We had heard of and passed a few marinas on the way in to Nashville. We decided to go to Commodore Yacht Club because we heard they have free laundry there. The dock prices were good too, as well as the fuel prices.

Before we departed, we took the bikes for one last ride around downtown. We were surprised to see a bunch of people starting to tailgate with huge grills, music and TV’s and just people everywhere around the stadium. We stopped and asked if they were getting ready for tomorrow’s Titans game? They laughed and said no- today was a homecoming, so they set up and celebrate here. It was impressive to see. Anyway, we took the ride around and stopped at a store for more provisions before heading out. Once done and back, we packed up the bikes and away we went.

The trip was fairly uneventful, just cruising at a slower speed to save on fuel, and we got to the dock around 3pm. It was on and off raining, and once there we stopped at the fuel dock and put about 150 gallons of diesel in to top off our tanks. We took care of the paperwork and were directed toward our slip. Lauren took the laundry and started doing that, while I cleaned the boat a bit. Laundry took quite awhile and it continued to rain throughout the night. Frank got some walks in, and we made dinner on the boat. Tomorrow we will have to go back through the Cheatham Lock and Dam, and if that goes smooth, then we will shoot for Clarksville Marina, which is about 46 miles. The lock is the wild card, as if this makes us wait, we will have to have a back up plan so we are not traveling in the dark.