Day 352- Clark’s Cove, New Bedford, Massachusetts

We wanted to stop somewhere different on our way back. Today we are heading back through Buzzards Bay toward the Long Island Sound, but were going to stay on the North side. We had to come back through the Cape Cod Canal so we had to time that. We left Plymouth around 8am and got to the canal around 11am. We timed it perfectly and sailed right through. We made our way across Buzzards Bay and turned in to the anchorage around 2:30pm. Unfortunately the anchorage wasn’t as protected as we thought and there was a good blow causing some small waves. We dropped anchor as close as we could to shore for protection and hung out. There was a beach somewhat close by that looked like a good dinghy landing spot for Franks walks. We eventually made it to shore and walked up along the shore walkway toward town. We made a quick stop in a Dollar Store for some snacks and headed back. There wasn’t much to do except hang out and hold on. The waves eventually started to fade away and the generator was started for dinner. We decided our next stop will be Newport, Rhode Island. There looks to be a few good anchorages there and it is a popular port to stop, so we are looking forward to it.