Day 329- Mattituck, New York

Again we were going about thirty miles. That seems to be a nice distance as we can cover that in about four to five hours. We departed Port Jefferson around 9:15am after our morning coffee. We were making way and getting close when I noticed a boat on AIS moving in the same direction but a bit closer to land. I noticed the name and mentioned it to Lauren. She reminded me it was the same boat moored next to us in Port Washington and we had seen them in Oyster Bay. I called them on the VHF and inquired about their destination and explained we had seen them in the last few ports. They told me they were even in Port Jefferson with us, but on the other side of the bay, and they were heading to Mattituck as well. I inquired if they were familiar with the anchorage/area and they said yes. They travel through here almost every summer and said it was a good choice to stop. We concluded our chat and they took the lead as they travel a bit faster than us. We were soon turning into the inlet and wound our way back Mattituck Creek. There are several marinas through here so we had to go slow. Once we got to the end we saw the marked anchorage and several boats already there. A couple of them looked like permanent boats and there were a couple of other cruising boats including our friends I spoke to on the radio. We circled around and found a spot along the edge of the anchorage and dropped anchor. We went through our anchor routine and we sat for a while making sure all was good. It was a well protected small area with a city dinghy dock at the end of the harbor. By around 2pm we decided all was good and we departed on the dinghy with Frank to explore the town which was close by. We walked up the quaint main strip of Love Lane and looked at all of the shops and restaurants lining the street. Lauren had found a place she wanted to go to but they were closed today. That sucks. We saw a place called The Village Cheese Shop and Lauren sent me in. She should know better than to let me loose in a cheese shop. I came out with a bag of cheese which just had her shaking her head. I didn’t really get that much, but I did walk out with at least four different types. We then settled on lunch at Ammirati’s of Love Lane where we both got some delicious sandwiches which we enjoyed on a close by patio of a closed restaurant. After lunch we walked up and around to Main Street and found a donut shop: North Fork Doughnut Co. which we had to stop in as they had the walk up window still open. Unfortunately they were sold out of most everything but the couple we did get were awesome. There just happened to be a liquor store next door too so I stopped in to replenish our rum rations. After a little more walking we headed back to the boat for the night. After dinner we planned our next stop at Greenport, New York.