Today is our wedding anniversary! We left our anchorage and we are headed north on the ICW towards Southport. We had met some people while we were in Melbourne, Florida who gave us a few pages of suggested stops and highlights from Virginia to Florida; They also happen to be ‘Harbor Hosts’- they are available to cruisers for local information and any assistance. I contacted them as we were making our way and let them know when we would be arriving. Robert told me we could dock at a local restaurant which has docks as the city docks were currently closed. He had spoken to the owner and got permission for us! Once we were close I called him again and he said he would meet us at the dock to assist with lines. We pulled in and got tied up, then Robert gave us the run down of the town. We made sure everything was secure and took the bikes for a ride around town. Since it was our anniversary, I was on the search for some champagne. We stopped at a couple of wine shops but they were all closed. We eventually found a convenience store which had a small selection of sparkling wine, so I was able to at least procure that. We made it back o the boat and made a nice dinner to enjoy as the sun was setting with our wine. As we sat on the back deck of the boat, we watched a sailboat come in and anchor in the harbor. We were expecting some rain and wind overnight, so I made sure we were well secured again and we retired for the evening.
Tomorrow we plan on going to Wrightsville Beach, which is about a twenty three mile trip.