In the morning I took Frank to Sapelo Island one more time. We were there pretty early- around 7:30am, so I knew we probably wouldn’t see anyone and I was right. We took a walk down the same road and returned without seeing anyone. We pulled anchor and headed north on the ICW toward our next anchorage- Kilkenny Creek.
Our research on this anchorage showed a good protected anchorage, but shore access was only if we got permission from the only marina around there. All of the other anchorages we researched had zero shore access, so we took our chances with this. We found the turn off and made our way up the creek. We found a spot to drop the anchor and commenced making sure we were secure. I called the marina and requested permission to land the dinghy to walk the dog. They said it would be fine.
We took the dinghy to shore and walked Frank. There wasn’t anything around, so we walked a bit, then turned around and headed back to the boat. The rest of the night was relaxed, dinner, and more research on our next destination. Lauren had since found out we passed St. Catherine’s Island a few miles back and it has some extreme wildlife, such as lemurs on the island, so we decided we would go backwards and try to find some lemurs!