Our plan was to go to Stuart. The free dock we saw on the charts was also listed as being still closed from hurricane damage. The city of Stuart had closed its marina and we didn’t want to stay at a marina anyway, so our other option was an anchorage nearby called Hoggs Cove. We made our way there which is about six miles off the ICW.
We made our way past the anchorage and decided it didn’t look very protected. We were expecting some winds from the south and this anchorage was wide open in the St. Lucie River. We continued on a little farther to the ‘free dock’ and saw that it was indeed closed. Now our only option was to get back to the ICW and continue on to another anchorage. I looked at the charts and saw there was an anchorage about six miles further north- Jensen Beach.
We made our way toward the third choice of the day. We saw the anchorage was on either side of a large bridge. You can anchor on the north or south side- we motored past the south side and a couple of boats that were anchored there and looked at the north side. There were several more boats anchored on the north side, so we went back to the south side. We dropped anchor and made sure it was securely set. There were public boat ramps on either side of the bridge so it made easy access to walk Frank. I took him ashore and walked around a bit. There were lots of people along the wall fishing, and people launching and retrieving their boats. We went back to Klondike and relaxed until it was time for Frank to get in one more walk before it got dark.
We have spoken to family and are going to be in Melbourne a week before we had expected to be since there is nowhere to stop and hang out/ check out the town as everything is closed/closing. Tomorrow we will be heading to another anchorage not too far away…