Day 226- Sunrise Bay, Ft. Lauderdale

We got a good start for our twenty seven mile trip. We are now heading back north, through the same places we passed on the way down to Key Biscayne. We had decided though to not stop at Las Olas, but to continue past it a little to an anchorage called Sunrise Bay. We had researched it and found out there is a state park across the river which has a dinghy dock for easy dog walking. Rain was forecast for the day, but not until later. We pulled anchor and left South Beach in our wake.

The trip was nice and leisurely, since I had ‘tracks’ from our trip south. Our GPS keeps a ‘track’ of our travels, this means I could follow the tracks back and I knew we would not have any surprise shallow waters. The skies darkened a bit as we cruised along, but the rain held off for a while. We found the anchorage and saw there were many other boats already here. We again circled around looking for a spot and finally settled on one closer to the channel. This was not too bad even though we were closer to wakes from boats going up and down the channel. It is a ‘no wake’ zone around here, but not everyone follows the rules and it wasn’t too bad. Once we got the anchor down and settled in, it started to rain. We tucked ourselves inside to wait it out. The rain passed by before it got dark, so I took Frank to the park for a walk. The rest of the night was spent making dinner and planning our next destination…