Day 13- Presque Isle, Michigan

Presque Isle is only a couple stops shy of all the way north of Michigan. NOT to be confused with ‘False Presque Isle’, which is actually listed on our charts. Why call it False Presque Isle, and not just pick another name? I guess we’ll never know.

The town is actually only 20 miles north of Thunder Bay, but remember Alpena is 10 miles inside of Thunder Bay. We left at 8am, and the trip took us 5.5 hours with a 1:45pm arrival. we traveled 35.1 nm @ 7.1 knots.

The weather was a 5 knot wind NW, which made for a nice ride. We had looked at a chart for anchorages, but only saw the State Park. The forecast lately has been cold, mid 50’s at night, rain showers intermittently in the evenings, so not summer like.

We arrived and called on the VHF, and were assigned a slip. This is the second day in a row we’ve paid for a dock. We also had to do some laundry and with the weather it seemed like a good idea. (here I am, airing dirty laundry!)

The area was beautiful, with a focus on the lighthouses there, as it is still a part of the marine sanctuary of shipwrecks- the area of wrecks and amount of them is boggling! There were nice trails to ride on, and Frank ran alongside me for about a mile to the lighthouse on the tip of the isle. He had a great workout that day! He also has become a little more willing to go further into the water. I may have left out he also tried to jump to a dock while we were docking, and didn’t make it. Splash! In the water! Life jacket on, so not too bad, but he wasn’t too happy about it! Neither was Lauren, and he is kept on a short leash now when we pull in. He knows the throttle, and when I slow down, he immediately knows we are close to land. Then he gets excited, and will bark as we’re trying to do our docking maneuvers. Oh well- he’ll calm down eventually, right?

Presque Isle has one restaurant by the marina, which was closed for renovations. This bummed out a few people that had stopped here for the night. There were quite a few boats arriving after us and we chatted with a few people, asking about next stops, destinations, etc…

The evening was delightful, and we made dinner and had an early night as we had decided to make a side trip. The usual next stop is Rogers City or Hammond Bay, depending on how far you want to travel. We made a reservation for Mackinac Island for next Wed. and Thurs (8/14,8/15) so we actually have to slow down!

Where will this take us? Follow along to find out!

One Reply to “Day 13- Presque Isle, Michigan”

  1. Frank probably learned something after the dunking .
    Good thing he had on the life preserver.
    How are the cats doing?
    I am enjoying your trip.


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