Day 281-282 Swansboro, North Carolina

After our exciting night last night, we got going early. Today we were going to travel almost fifty miles. We left by 7am and arrived around 3pm. When we were pulling out of Wrightsville Beach, we had to wait for a draw bridge which only opens on the hour and half hour. As we were getting close to the bridge I noticed a couple of other boats waiting. One was Positive Vibration which is the boat that anchored with us in Thoroughfare Creek, and the other I had never seen before called Serendipity. I called to them on the radio and let them know I was going to be going through the bridge with them. Serendipity told me to go second as they travel at a slower pace. We all circled around until the bridge opened and then proceeded on our way. The rest of the trip was uneventful, with Serendipity stopping about half way to anchor at a spot we wanted to stop at, but it is surrounded by a military base, so there was no shore access for Frank. We continued on to our destination.

On the way to Swansboro, I called and made a reservation at the town dock. The forecast was for some higher winds, and after yesterday’s experience, I wanted to be tied securely to a dock if the winds were going to pick up. Positive Vibration has beat us there and was tied up when we arrived. They assisted us with the lines as we were fighting a strong current while pulling in. This was the first time I actually got to meet them and introduce ourselves. I thanked them for the assistance, secured the boat and adjusted bumpers before settling in to relax. We took Frank for a walk around town and ran across some Muscovy Ducks and some chicks- these are strange looking ducks!

Swansboro is known as “the “Friendly City by the Sea,” is a quaint, historic town located on the North Carolina Coast boarding both the IntraCoastal Waterway and the White Oak River. With water, water, water all around (and the Atlantic Ocean mere minutes away,) it’s safe to assume that water sports are the number one activity in the area…and there are plenty to pick from!” We returned to the boat to relax and figure out our dinner options. Almost all of the small town was still closed due to the virus, but there were a couple of restaurants open for take out. We decided to try The Boro Restaurant and got some shrimp and grits which had a watermelon salsa. OMG. It was so good!

Day 2- The weather was rainy and windy, so we just hung out in the boat. The rain eventually stopped and we walked to Clyde Phillips Seafood Market and picked up some fresh seafood: Shrimp, crab and dip. It was very windy all day, so we walked around a bit and retreated back to the boat. We had to run the generator to make dinner as the docks did not have power, but we had a great meal. I spoke to the couple on Positive Vibration and they were planning on leaving tomorrow too. Our next planned stop is Beaufort, NC…