Day 242-243- Mosquito Lagoon R24, Canaveral National Seashore, Florida

We left Cocoa Beach and continued north toward Titusville. It was a beautiful day for a boat ride, and a lot of our trip was through more ‘no wake’ zones so speed was kept to a minimum. We were approaching Titusville and noticed quite a few boats around and a large tent set up on the east shore parking lot, with the lot full of cars. Apparently there was a fishing tournament going on- virus be damned! This is not what we were looking for when we want to be secluded. Apparently Florida hasn’t received the memo and they are not taking this seriously, which is really causing Lauren some anxiety. We cannot afford to get sick living on a boat and away from home, so we will do our part to quarantine and stay away from people. We checked the charts and saw there was another anchorage about fifteen miles upstream. The anchorage was located in Mosquito Lagoon and was just off the ICW channel. There are actually two anchorages close by so we figured we would check them out.

We continued on and came upon the first anchorage. It looked strange as the ‘anchorage’ was in the middle of a large bay. It seemed to not have much protection and it was just off the channel. We could see the other anchorage ahead and there were two boats there already, so we decided this one would work. We slowly turned out of the channel and made our way in, following the chart to try to stay in deep water. All around us the water depth was between three to six feet, with a pocket of ten to fifteen feet. We made it in without incident and dropped anchor. We could see several beached across from us on the other side of the channel which will be easily accessible via the dinghy. The wind had picked up and it was a bit bumpy, but not too bad considering all the open water around us. Turns out the depth was even more shallow not too far from us, so that helped keep the waves to a minimum. We relaxed on the back deck and had a beer making sure we were secure and not dragging our anchor. Once sure, we all loaded into the dinghy and made way for the closest beach.

The rest of the afternoon was spent hanging out on the beach and the boat. Lauren has amassed an amazing collection of shells from our travels so far and she added more to it. I watched boats come past as they were heading north and relaxed. I watched a sailboat come in and anchor with us, but they stayed far enough away it didn’t bother us. The wind had settled down and we went for another beach stroll before it got dark. We decided we liked it here enough to stay another night.

Day 2: Not much to talk about when you are sitting on a boat all day with the occasional dinghy ride to shore with the dog. We spent the day much like yesterday, hanging out, lunch, swimming, and hanging loose. More shells were collected from other beaches we explored, then it was dinner time. We looked at our next destination: New Smyrna Beach. It is only about fifteen miles from here, so it will be a short ride.