We had said our good byes to everyone in Melbourne and pulled out of the marina. We were happy to be leaving the marina, as there were boats coming and going and the restrooms had stopped being cleaned due to the virus situation. We were using our own head and shower on the boat by the time we left. Before leaving we stopped at the fuel dock to get pumped out and was charged $25! We had never been charged that much since we left- it is usually free or around $5, but here they get you!
The trip was only about fifteen miles, so it wasn’t going to be a long travel day. We made our way up the ICW and found the anchorage we were looking for. It was behind another bridge, for protection. It also had access to a boat ramp so we could tie off the dinghy and walk Frank. We were trying to stay away from people, so we walked Frank and retreated back to the boat. We spent the night here and planned tomorrows journey: Titusville which is about fifteen miles away. We are not in a hurry to get anywhere and we know people are supposed to shelter in place, so we don’t mind moving in small hops and staying at anchor. We are in search of the perfect anchorage: we are looking for secluded, deep enough water and protection from wind. Hopefully we will find it soon…