This will be a recap of the week; We made it to the marina and checked in. Once settled I went about cleaning the boat and taking care of some maintenance. We were at a dock but thankfully didn’t have any neighbors directly on either side. We got the boat cleaned up and everything in order by about 5pm. Aunt Janet and Uncle Mark picked us up at the marina and brought us to their house, which wasn’t very far away at all. Addie met us there and we had dinner while visiting. Everything was fabulous and all was good. Uncle Mark even lent us his truck to use for a couple of days to go to the store and get supplies we needed. We had a few dinners with them at the house since all of the bars/restaurants are now closed in Florida too. Lauren and I did explore on our bikes, going to the beach and seeing a launch of the first ever Space Force rocket. We got to visit with Grandma White- albeit through a screened window with her sitting six feet back from it and us sitting about the same on our side- but we got to see and talk to her! That was awesome! The week seemed to go fast, and every day more and more states were shutting down and eventually the beaches in Florida would too. Unfortunately this kept brother Jeff from coming from Orlando to visit, and Dad and Denise from Ohio, but we all promised to make it up when we can.
I feel bad there isn’t more to write about here, but the most important part was seeing family and spending time with them. We were so grateful for the hospitality, graciousness and the ability to connect during these trying times.
“Family is a life jacket in the stormy sea of life.”- J.K. Rowling