Day 112-Okatuppa Creek, Alabama MM 123.2

The morning was foggy, so we waited for the sun to burn off the fog a bit before we left. We pulled both anchors and turned downstream. Today was a forty five mile cruise downstream, with a slight push from the current. We had chosen the anchorage instead of the only dock available, which has no power or water, but charges $50 a night. They have a restaurant, Bobby’s Fish camp, but it is only open Thursday- Saturday (today being a Monday), so we felt anchoring was the more sensible choice. The trip was again uneventful, just enjoying the trip and the day. We have been a bit warmer, but it is still cold in the morning and after the sun goes down. During the afternoon, it is somewhat nice. We keep the windows open on the flybridge, but keep the rear cover on to block the wind, which helps keep us warm.

We arrived to our mile marker and found the creek we would be turning into. I passed it and turned upstream for the approach. I was coming in cautiously due to the 2015 warning, but we never went under six feet depth. The creek was very narrow, but it kept on going back. Once we were up the creek a little bit, the depths stayed at ten feet or more. We went back, then got nervous that maybe we were pushing our luck, so we turned around, which took some time due to the narrowness of it. We came back to about twenty yards from the opening and dropped anchor. We had to do the same routine as yesterday with the stern anchor. Once that was down, we sat there listening to the nature around us, tress hanging five feet off our stern, and overhanging our bow a little. There was not much room, but it was peaceful and still. We left enough room for boats to pass us if they came in, but we were as close to shore as we felt comfortable. I took Frank ashore for a walk in the woods, and we explored a bit before returning to the boat. Unfortunately for him, once it gets dark, he does not leave the boat. I will not be walking in the woods in the pitch black, not knowing whats around, and we are getting close to crocodile and alligator country. We went one more time right before dark and was back on the boat before the sun disappeared. Once the sun goes down, we were in complete blackness, except for our anchor light and flashing solar lights we have wrapped around our rails on the mid level deck. Just before it got dark, we heard another boat approach and slow down and we thought may be pulling in with us, but they seemed to have turned around and went somewhere else as we never actually saw them. We ran the generator for awhile and made dinner, then retired for the evening.

Tomorrow is the last lock, Coffeeville Lock and Dam and then we are done with locks for awhile. There are some locks in Florida but that will be later on. Since we know others will be locking through too, we will prepare for our 7am departure…