Day 83-84- Clarksville, Tennessee

We left in the morning, and headed back toward the lock. The lock was about 22 miles away, then the marina was another 22 miles after that. We approached the lock and was told he would open right up. We only had to wait about 20 minutes before he had us enter and tie up. The lock didn’t take too long, and once out, we went full stream ahead toward Clarksville. On the way down, we had stopped at the cheap municipal dock. This time we were going to stay at the marina in town. The prices weren’t bad a little more than the municipal dock, but we could not get a hold of anyone. This was a beautiful Sunday afternoon, and there were a bunch of people out on the water in their boats so I was surprised to learn they are closed on Sundays. We got to the marina and saw the sign on the door. There was an after hours emergency number, but we didn’t feel it was an emergency. The weather forecast was for rain and storms the next day too, so we planned on staying two days. Since no one was there, we found a space to tie up to and connected our power. This marina had no one at it which again surprised me for being such a nice day. I eventually saw one person and approached him about staying here. He said it shouldn’t be a problem, just check in with them tomorrow. I agreed to do that, but I needed one more thing: the gate code to get in and out with Frank. He told me the code, and we were set for the night. Since it was still daylight, we took Frank over to a Dairy Queen across the street and had some treats. We found our way back to the boat and relaxed for awhile before making dinner. The rest of the night was peaceful.

We woke up the next morning and I wandered up to the office to check in. The manager was very nice and said it was fine we stayed there. He told me that the marina gets very quiet after Labor Day, and there usually aren’t many people around. He told us we were fine at our spot and din’t have to move. He gave us the wifi code and the restroom codes as well. It rained on and off the rest of the day. We eventually went back across the street to a auto store for motor oil and shopped at a Dollar store and small grocery for some items we had decided we wanted. That done, we went back to the boat to make sure we were settled in before the big storm came back. It continued with rain and wind throughout the night, but we were safe and secure.

Tomorrow we will be heading for a marina near Green Turtle Bay, which is where we take a cut through to get to Kentucky Lake. We are going with the current so we hope to make about 70 miles in a day, but plan on leaving fairly early to allow more time.