Day 33 to 37- Frankfort, MI

As you can see for the days listed, we got delayed in Frankfort due to weather. We arrived on a Sunday, and did not leave until the next Saturday. This was a bummer, for we had plans to meet friends in Holland, MI the coming weekend-This did not happen.

The night was fine with some rain and blowing winds , but the anchor was secured and we slept well. In the morning, we mostly hung out on he boat due to the rain. We actually tried to leave, but once we got to the lake, we realized the water was too rough for us to attempt a passage, so we turned around and re-anchored. Around mid afternoon, we went to lunch at the local brewery, appropriately named Stormcloud Brewing. Food and beer were good. We returned and walked Frank, not wanting to go too far, again because of the weather.

By mid evening the wind and rain had picked up again. This time the wind velocity was making us a little nervous. Forecast was winds in the 20’s gusting to 30’s. That is a lot of wind. Our boat has a lot of canvas on top also, which is a wind catcher.

By dusk, the winds have stayed steady strong, even increasing. Now we seeing actual waves in the harbor. Lauren and I are keeping watch, and at one point, I was convinced we were moving. The boat we had anchored in front of, was now next to us. He was moored to a ball, which is anchored to the sea floor. He wasn’t the one moving- we were. Oh shit.

“Lauren!” I called out “We’re dragging anchor!” Lauren jumped into action and went to her post at the helm on the flybridge. I went to the bow of the boat and tended to the anchor and rode. The anchor doesn’t drag in calm water- the wind was howling and the waves were building up- in the harbor! We managed to re-set the anchor with just enough day light left for us to be able to see. Looking at the forecast, it was not expected to let up for another day! How were we going to do this? Stay here at anchor in a 2 day storm? Get a dock? At this point the marinas were closed so we decided we would just stay here and re-evaluate in the morning. Our nerves were not relaxing however, as the boat was swinging in the wind and bouncing on the waves. We spent the next couple of hours basically staring out the window, watching our position, and trying to be prepared if we start to drag again. We took turns and we were up all night watching and looking with every creak and groan of boat sounds. This was our first truly sleepless night.

Precisely at 8am when the marina opened, I was on the phone with them asking for a dock. Luckily for us, they had space. By 830am we were pulling in with the help of a few dock hands to assist with lines and pulling us in. Right in front of us was another boat doing the same. They also spent the night on the hook, and also started to drag, but it happened to them in the dark. They ended up grabbing a nearby mooring ball and came to the marina at opening time like us. I was amazed there were still a couple of other boats still anchored out there. We checked the weather again, and it was forecasting to be even worse the following day. At this point, I have been talking to several other loopers who were at dock, and consensus was we were all staying for at least another two days, and maybe more, as we wanted to make sure the lake settles down before we try to make the next port. Throughout the day, every boat that was anchored out eventually came in to the marina. By evening, no one was in the harbor. Smart moves by all.

And so goes the week. Eventually the rain gave way, but the wind kept up for several days. Lauren and I explored the town, nearby towns, and everywhere in between on our bikes. I would spend mornings at a picnic table with Frank hooked up to it on a long lead, and talk to anyone and everyone that came by. I met a lot of other boaters and loopers this way. I suppose there is no need to list all of the places we drank and/or ate at. We had time to kill. I did have a great experience with an auto shop- I needed oil for the boat as it was time for a full oil change. They had it delivered to the shop for me, so we didn’t have to find a way into the next largest town where the auto parts store is. Nice folks for helping me out.

The weather cleared up on Friday, but Lake Michigan was still very choppy and didn’t look very good for traveling in. Everyone else at the marina agreed and stayed another day, with some casting off to anchor one more night to wait it out. This was a disappointment, as it was the final chance for us to make a long run to meet up with our friends, Evelyn and Barbara. We had to let them know earlier in the week it might not be possible for us, and it was a shame it became reality. We stayed at the dock the rest of our time here. This was an unexpected expense, but well worth it in the long run.

Our next stop is up in the air- depending on the lake, we may go to Arcadia as a short hop, or as far as Luddington or Pentwater if the conditions are right. The next days forecast is looking good, but the coming Labor Day weekend is iffy…

One Reply to “Day 33 to 37- Frankfort, MI”

  1. Enjoying your updates. Best reading material of the day.
    Continue safely on your journey. Wow. What an experience @

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