Day 363-364- Old Saybrook, Connecticut

We only were going about five miles back down river today so we definitely weren’t in any rush. I have found that the best thing ever (to me) is to wake up and jump in the water. before doing anything. Wow. Refreshing, and really wakes you up! We eventually pulled anchor and headed downstream to Old Saybrook. There is a train bridge we had to pass and it was open but I called the bridge tender anyway just to be sure since I’m still a little scarred from the Mystic bridge experience. He responded with ”its open, go ahead”. I thanked him and proceeded through. We turned in to the North Cove and worked our way up through the mooring field. The depth got a little lower as we got closer to the town dock but it was deep enough. I spotted a mooring ball marked with ‘72 hour limit’ right in front of the dock. I had read that the moorings were close to the dock, but didn’t realize they were that close. We were about forty feet from the dock, but I still showed about seven feet of water. I also had read that it can be uncomfortable because the fisherman cast their lines out that far. There were no fishermen at the moment so we hooks our lines and settled in. Ahhhh… I am always happy to be a mooring ball. We hung out for a while and soon enough some people showed up to fish. We were actually close enough I could speak to them. I apologized for being in the way and they were cool. “No worries- we’ll fish around you”. Nice. I took Frank for a walk and explored a bit, then returned back. We loaded up the bikes and headed off to the nearest grocery store. We picked up some more food and supplies and returned back to the boat. I then headed back to the local liquor store for ice and beverages. After we were settled again I took Frank for another walk. We found an overgrown road which led to some abandoned buildings. One building had an old car torn apart and the other building I was afraid to enter. We found our way back and retired for the evening after an amazing sunset.

Day 2- We decided we would stay here for one more day. We took the bikes and rode around to explore some more. We toured the town and found out Yale was ‘kind of’ founded here. “On October 9, 1701 the Collegiate School of Connecticut was chartered in Old Saybrook. It moved to New Haven in 1716, and was later renamed Yale University.” There was a bit of a scuffle about the books during this move, and obviously Yale won. We continued on and decided for lunch at Livs Shack. We found a table outside and enjoyed some lunch. We continued on and explored some more before returning back to Klondike. Frank was walked some more and we decided on our next stop: Guilford, Connecticut.