Day 356- Dutch Island Harbor, (Jamestown) Rhode Island

We Weren’t going far today and swimming was definitely in the plan. We got a late start, not pulling anchor until 11:30am. By then it was hot again and we needed to find a good place to cool off. We planned on going to Jamestown since we were so close anyway, but I found an anchorage in Mackerel Cove which looked like a good stop. We pulled out of Newport and cruised past Clingstone. which is a house built in 1905, perched atop a small, rocky island in an island group called “The Dumplings” in Narragansett Bay, near Jamestown. The house is completely self sufficient… We got as close as we could cruising past it, then turned into Mackerel Cove.
We worked our way past the young kids learning to sail and dropped anchor as close to the beach as we could, without being too close to the already anchored boats there. Aaahh! We can swim and cool off! Yay! We are a bit dubious about swimming in an anchorage or mooring field with a lot of boats, so we were happy to find this spot. We jumped in and floated on our rafts, enjoying the warm sun and cool water. We hung out here for a few hours then pulled the anchor and headed around the corner to another anchorage that is closer to Jamestown. We wound our way through a mooring field and dropped anchor where we were comfortable. We had to take Frank in to shore, so we all loaded up in the dinghy and headed in. We had a nice long walk across the island to town. I stopped in a small shop and picked up some fancy cheese as a snack for later as well as some elusive Narragansett Brewery beer, then we stopped at The General’s Crossing Brewhouse for a beverage. They had a small outside patio area and we sat there with Frank. The bartender even brought Frank some water and a treat. He sure does get spoiled! Eventually it was time to head back before it got dark. We planned our next stop over dinner, which we agreed to be Watch Hill, RI.