Our departure was easy and we made it to Sarasota Bay without any issues. The winds were still blowing, but not too bad, and the temperature was almost 80. Nice! Our reservation for the next few day was at the Hyatt Regency Sarasota, which has a marina tucked in the back of the hotel. Christmas is in a couple of days, so we had made reservations for four days so we could have power and be able to cook a good Christmas dinner. The rates here were not cheap at $2.50 per foot, but that seems to be about the going rate now that we are in south Florida and it is ‘in season’.
We came into the marina and were directed to a slip. The docks were the half docks, which makes it a bit tricky getting in and tied up, but we did it on the first attempt. The wind was not quite as bad back here, but it was still blowing pretty good through the surrounding buildings. The nice thing about being here too was they have a pool which we could use, which was nice, except the weather was not conducive to sitting by a pool today. I did the check-in and received our keys and information about the city. We hung out for a bit until Uncle Jeff and Melinda came by and picked us up. They took us shopping and showed us some areas around town. After awhile we picked up some lunch at a cool little taco joint Screaming Goat and took it back to their house. We hung out there for a bit, then got dropped off back to the boat. Lauren then got to work on making Christmas cookies and we put on some Christmas movies. The cookies turned out great! The oven worked perfectly and it was really starting to feel like Christmas!
Day 2- Christmas Eve- We had made plans to have dinner with Jeff and Melinda later, so we had the afternoon to explore on our bikes. We rode to Saint Armands Key, which has a circle with shops, restaurants and all high end places you could think of. The wind was still blowing pretty good when we left and we had to bike over the Ringling Causeway. We made it, but it was not easy, between the uphill and wind. Once we were to the circle, we walked around and stopped for a small treat- I’m not sure what they were called, but similar to a macaron, and delicious! Now it was time to bike back and get cleaned up for dinner. We made the trek back and was able to be ready in time for the 5pm pick up. Once in the car, we were told it was going to be a party! Melinda had invited some other guests and Jeff had stayed up finalizing the menu and getting the prep started. When we arrived I was given the job of preparing the fire pit for later. They picked the right person! Soon the other guests started arriving and dinner was served! The food was amazing and the company was even better. This will be a Christmas Eve we’ll remember! Eventually the evening had to come to an end, so Jeff and Melinda graciously offered to drop us off, even though we were ready to call a taxi. We accepted the offer and was dropped off to our home on the water. We went to bed with full bellies and happy thoughts of the day(s) we’ve had.
Day 3- Christmas Day- I woke up with a cold. In Florida, on Christmas. The wind had finally died down and it was warm, so we thought we would hang out at the pool today, then have a nice Christmas dinner on the boat later. Lauren had purchased all of our items needed when we were out with Jeff and Melinda, so we were able to relax and enjoy the day. We went to the pool and I tried to power through the cold symptoms, but it kept getting worse for me. Being ‘that guy’, it was knocking me out. I eventually had to go back to the boat and try to rest a bit between the blowing of the nose and the stuffy head. I took some medicine and vitamin C, but nothing was working too well. Evening came and i was out cold by the time it got dark. Lauren made do with some dinner, but saved the good stuff for another day- maybe New Years? I felt terrible both physically and mentally for not being able to partake in a nice Christmas dinner, but what could I do? Hopefully this will pass quickly… Before I fell asleep, we had decided we would leave the expensive marina and go to another marina around the corner called Marina Jacks. They have mooring balls available for $28 a day, which is a lot cheaper than the hotel marina we were in. This means we have no power or water except what we carry, but the price was much better, and we will fill our water tanks before leaving.
Day 4- The weather was warm and the winds had returned. We didn’t have too far to go
and we made it there with no issues. We had plans to meet more family- Uncle David and Beth, for dinner at Hyde Park Sarasota. I was so excited to get there! I had been looking forward to this almost since we left! We were tied up to the mooring ball and took the bikes in to shore when we checked in. Once checked in we called Jeff and he came and picked us up for more shopping and exploring. He took us to see alligators, some shopping and more of the town. We got dropped off to the boat with just enough time to clean up and return to be picked up by Beth and David. We met them in the parking lot and made our way to Hyde Park. Our plan was for happy hour there (we’re on a budget!) so we got a table in the bar area. I made my rounds in the restaurant saying hello to all the people I know from when I spent some time there and we had an amazing dinner. We enjoyed some happy hour items and some dinner. David had insisted on picking up the bill, but when the time came, my amazingly wonderful boss- Kelly Fenske had picked up the tab. What!?!? What a surprise! I am so truly thankful for the generosity! We departed Hyde Park and were dropped off at the marina. After our good-bye’s, we hopped in the dinghy to head back- but wait! there is a cabana bar around the corner that David Culi and I went to on one of our Florida trips- I had to go there now in our own boat! I remember looking at all of the boats here and thinking “one day I’ll make it here on MY boat…” and here we are! Sarasota has been full of wonderful memories and accomplishments. Lauren and I had a cocktail looking over the water wile I explained how this was a highlight for me. We enjoyed the evening breeze and eventually made it back to Klondike to call it a night, bu not before taking Frank ashore one more time.
Day 5- We were planning on leaving in the morning, and had a surprise visit from more family- Aunt Janet and Uncle Mark Lambert. They were in town visiting some other family and had contacted us the night before. We made plans on meeting for breakfast in the morning, so we left the bikes on shore overnight. I had also arranged for a pump out boat to come to us some time mid afternoon. We biked over and met for breakfast and had a wonderful time catching up! What a way to spend some time here in Florida! After breakfast, I called Jeff and Melinda to let them know we were going to be departing; they came by to say good-bye and we headed back to the boat to wait for the pump out. We waited and waited…They never showed up. I called and inquired about it, but was told they were not working today. What!? Apparently whoever made the arrangement with me had the wrong day. At this point it was too late to travel, so we had to make do with another night in Sarasota. We ended up taking the bikes back and riding around town for a bit, then calling it a night so we could get an early start tomorrow.
We plan on going to Cabbage Key. There are two ways to get there- using the intracoastal waterway or going out to the Gulf of Mexico and heading south to the inlet and coming in. The weather is supposed to be beautiful, so we plan on doing the ‘outside’ Gulf route. This will be a decision we should have thought more through…